Injection Molded Letters

lifetime-guaranteedSIGN 2000 INJECTION MOLDED MINNESOTA LETTERS Minnesota Letters combine the attributes of several other letter types. They are made from C.A.B. (Cellulose Acetate Butyrate), a non-petroleum renewable resource plastic for incredible durability. They also are created using precision tooled molds for razor sharp edges and extra dimension. While clearly a plastic letter, they are suitable for many ‘up-close’ applications  even in small sizes. SIGN 2000 has a stock of these letters ready to paint to your specifications so they will ship out generally within 1 business day.
Minnesota Letter Examples
Minnesota Letters - FNB BankBetter Alternative than Foam Letters.

  • Endures even the harshest conditions.
  • Blemish free automotive quality painted finish.
  • 1-day production gives you instant results.
  • Made from a renewable resource (non-petroleum) plastic.

Where to Use SIGN 2000 Minnesota Letters.

  • When depth is required in letter style.
  • Virtually any business, organization or institution.
  • Under all weather and environmental conditions.
  • When sharp edges are required.
  • If drilling is not allowed in installation.


Injection Molded Minnesota Letter - Architectural Style 'A'Incredible Precision & Options.

  • From 2″ to 18″; each a perfect letter.
  • Serifs are always sharp, edges always crisp .
  • Mounts to any surface with most hardware.
  • New Architectural style offers prismatic faces.
  • 45 Standard Injection Molded Letter Colors